Week 7 — Art Idea Essay — The Art of Place

Magdali Zarat
3 min readOct 11, 2020


Place affects our lives because it depends on the part where we are living in. In different circumstances there are different things that applies to people. Like the weather, if it is really cold and some people don’t like it they would move to a place where the weather is warmer. They will then live with people who have the same preferences in the type of weather. It creates culture because you will be surrounded with people of your kind and that grew up in the same way. You may share same beliefs too. Different places also have different opportunities, there are some places in the world where people are less fortunate and don’t have access to essential things like water. In this case, people live different and have different priorities and methods of survival. Also in different places in the world there are different ideas and beliefs. Where the woman value is not a lot compared to the men. Some places have customs where men are more superior. This is how living in different places affects lives.


After during some research I came upon an artist from the 19th century whose art is mainly about places. His name is Thomas Cole who’s most famous artwork is “The Oxbow” painted in 1836 where is shows how nature is after a rainstorm. Where it shows how even though the storm is gone it one place is still remains dark in another. Presenting the beauty of nature and the different details about it. Another artist that portrays the idea of place is Camille Pissarro. In one of his paintings, he shows how warm and happy it is at the park. Where there are many trees and the sun shines through and how many people go together there and the good feelings it brings. He uses vibrant color to show express the feeling one gets being there. Furthermore, William H. Whyte who is an American urbanist and organizational analyst studied how people moved around in cites and saw how they communicated and used this knowledge to put park in specific areas of the cities and helped advocate for greater investment where people are more tended to go.


Other forms of Place that can exist in the online world. Where there would be another whole world/platform in which people can interact with each other. Where people can have their own avatar which would represent themselves in the real world. The experience of this can be done better by having internet access all around the world so everyone can have access to it wherever they are at. This way everybody is counted. This can adapt very well to the corona virus and other viruses because you aren’t physically close to them but are doing mostly everything remotely. This can also be adapted to gen z and millennial especially in this century because I know that many people at this point owns a phone, laptop, or desktop. Also. because many people are kind of used to this because of video games. Digital Nomad Millennial’s experience is different from an office working boomer because going digital contains the idea that you can be anywhere during “work hours” and can be working any place where there is connection.


In America the vision of place is different, everyone has their own preferences in where they feel more safe and comfortable. Some people feel more better behind a screen and not out there in the world, but others don’t. Others feel better being in person and being out there and in nature. In 2024 I think that things will be still post-covid. Where people are still worried or concerned of another pandemic or a virus. And somethings will be more on the social distancing side. In 2050, I think that things will be in a new world where technology is going to be more advanced than what it is now. There will probably exist new platforms in which people can talk to one another. I personally think I will do a little of both. Go out (if possible) and also do things online. This new lifestyle will be both in person and online and people will get used to it.

